Nelson Flores - Sachse


I am a martyr for I am a man
I am a machete fighter for I am a man
I work "en la milpa" for I am a man
And I sleep with your youngest sister for I am a man

I work for 12 dollars a month
To drink beer and sleep with my wife's friends
And my children, they won't remember a thing

My wife was so pretty the day I met her
But now intoxication couldn't even save her
So I flip a coin, heads I beat her
Tails I leave her
Life is great when you're a man
Under God and in my home country "El Gran Salvador"

I love my stubby little mustache
It reminds me of how I am a man
Because I started growing it out when I lost my virginity
To my cousin

Women are such vile scum but they do what I like
But watch that change
Or watch them try to make a fool out of me
and I'll put them back in their place

I love women for I am a man
I want to impregnate them all for I am a man
No one will be more "macho" than me for I am a man
I am a man and I am a man

Nothing can stop me
I've walked through the crowded market where one of my sisters was kidnapped and I've walked by the school I had to leave to support my family
I've walked through alleys of child prostitutes and I've walked through the now empty plains where children would once play soccer before they were drafted into war
Absolutely nothing can stop me

It's been so long that I don't feel the thorns I walk over with my bare feet on my way to work
It's been so long since my childhood friends have been alive
It's been so long that I forgot what nights sound like without gunshots
It's been so long since I was a kid

I've seen my uncles' bodies after they'd been executed
Their skins ripped out from their faces down to their chests with gunshots through both of their heads
I'd so proudly do that for "la Guerrilla" too
Regardless of how much my mother protests
I am a man
And I must do what a man must do

My father is an outlaw
He has more firearms than children
and more children than teeth in his mouth
He's had to move through more cities than he's had wife's
And he's had more wives than fingers in his hands
He won't think twice before shooting
He didn't think twice before leaving me
He is the man
I am the man
And my children will be men

School has given me nothing
My wife has given me nothing
My work has given me nothing
God has given me nothing
My family name has given me a machete

I will kill any male who touches my sisters
I will kill any male who steals my woman
I will kill any male who tries to humiliate me
I will kill any male who thinks themselves  more "macho" than me
I will slice through their wrists
I will slice through their necks
I will slice through their manhoods
I am victorious and I am a man!

Young DFW Writers