
I stand there

Letting the wind tremble over me

Blowing my ripened petals away

And slowly deteriorating my insides

I stand there

And let it all happen

For I am not strong enough to fight or flee

I stand there

Though I’m lucky to be replenished every day

So my roots can take in the water

Flushing tension away

It is an endless cycle

A game called life

A game of ping-pong played

Knocking me out until I ricochet off the wall

And hit the ground so hard

Rolling off into a place unrecognized

A place where my bright pink petals cannot take the tension

A place where my love weakens

And my body aches til it shrivels

I lay there to

Let myself pass

I lay there freely

Arms stretched out as wide as they can be

Eyes closed

Crying for help

Screaming excruciating pain

Don’t give up

Don’t give up

Don’t give up

As I am too weak

I want to be vigorous

I want to embody all the traits and characteristics of her and her and her

I want look as beautiful as her

Wants are not needs

I have this message imprinted in me with bold writing

When I am faced with tough situations

I pull out this message written in bold writing

What you want isn’t always what you need

But It is ok

I try to lift my fragile body up slowly without sinking into the dirty surroundings of Mother Nature

The depths of this mysterious beauty

Able to arise greater than ever before

I learn and am still learning to accept

Nothing but my one soul

With many cracks and ridges

Many areas to grow and develop

May not be the easiest to repair

But will always be a part of me

And my bright pink petals


Young DFW Writers