everything fades

everything fades

winter is taking quickly 

bleeding fountain pen ink through the sky 

every smoky dragon breath is a reminder that

everything changes

the sun sets 

the trees bare 

the thanksgiving leftovers spoil untouched 

as an 11 fades into a 12

as a 20 gets foolishly scribbled onto the shadow of an erased 19

everything fades

the moon wanes into a sliver of nothing, my heart whines for something other than 


i am changing 

when i look at the photos lining the i wonder where the smile went because over time my face

just gets straighter 

things are getting tangled 

the foreign feeling of happiness is difficult to import over raging black seas that just want so

badly for the 




everything changes 

things happen for a reason

this is fate 

it’s destiny

those things are easier to say than everything that plagues my mind 

i haven’t heard “i love you” in years, haven’t said “dad” in months, haven’t slept in weeks, it’ll all

be over in a few days when everything makes sense when the sun actually shines for once


everything changes?

everything fixes itself with that magic the pastor talks about 

with the words i’ve whispered into my palms hoping the man who spins the big wheel of tragedy

in the sky

will be kinder this year

Young DFW Writers