
A screaming howling among the society, I see a man running with a coldy machete.

Chasing another man whose blood drip along the side walk; whose eyes are so purplely dark like an endless black hole; whose body are deformed as if he got chopped into shattered glass.

How can one man can be such brutal and how dare society stare him like he is such an entertainment object? Machete are covered in dreadful red as if it was hallucinated by the Red sea through Moses’s will.

Words to describe no longer be applicable for us human to cause such wretched into this inhumane.

His face covered with infuriate rage yet he seems to enjoy such dramatic scene from a far as if he knew that the man’s fate has sealed and death is applauding his arrival to hell.

My dear people, how and why you can be such cruel and heartless to this poor soul.

Man doesn’t care because he doesn’t want to care or he doesn’t care what other cares of what he cares.

16 years of life, growing through despair, joy, anger, compassion, and unrequited passionate love. All are one’s life yet this life is so little to hold for one man whose belief is from another man.

Waking up from the first light just to be crucified by his disciples,

They cherish what he left behind rather than discover what treasures he has left through the signs.

A piece of glamorous ode to joy, somehow shattered my strength and brought upon me anxieties and a shed of tears crumbled it all down.

Please! people,

Dear people,

I’m begging you people,

I’m just trying to survive not trying to explain why.

I fell from despair no where to go, drunk myself to sleep,


Can you carry me home?

I fake my smile, but deep down inside, I just want someone to let me inside.


Young DFW Writers