Oh Sunflower

Oh sunflower

I love you

oh sunflower you are so beautiful

oh sunflower you is just the prettiest thing I have ever seen

God I wish I could be like you

Look like you

I wish I was you

look at you spreading your petals

catching this sunlight you are gorgeous

the way your stems stand strong and straight the way you reach yourself to the heavens above as if to claim your place in heaven

oh sunflower I love you

You are magic

Oh sunflower I love you

Oh sunflower I love you

oh sunflower they love you

Oh sunflower

Do you love you

Oh little sunflower do you even know yourself

Do you know that you are no flower at all

You are a weed

Oh sunflower do you know that they only pick you because they want to be rid of you

Oh sunflower do you know that you and all your leaves take up too much space

Oh sunflower I envy the way hold up that useless head of yours with such pride

Oh sunflower do you hate yourself

The way that I hate you

Oh sunflower I love you

Young DFW Writers