
This poem is dedicated to my twin sister Sara

I could never ask for more from these fifteen faithful years with you

Every time I thought I was alone in this world you brandished your beautiful smile and reminded me where I came from

Even from the moment we took our first breaths i had a companion tied to me for life

Sara you are the sea

Your depth twice that of the pacific

And likewise no one has seen most of you

Anyone willing to take a dive will only scratch the surface

No one will encounter the monsters that roam the depths of your mind as they’d drown before they even get close

All the nights spent crying on your lonesome like teardrops in the ocean

No one will notice

When your head was broken by painful pavement    parted    like the Red Sea

I could’ve lost you

I never would’ve been able to appreciate the young woman you have become

I’d never get to hear your beautiful singing voice develop as years went

I’d never get to see the growth of your passion and talent in every sport you’ve ever tried

I’d never get to simply see the way your face lit up after you learned the office theme on my piano

We’d never form the uniqueness of our relationship

No one but you could understand the strange goodnight ritual we had when we shared a bedroom or the number system we religiously stood by




Because of you I'll never truly be alone because I know you care about me more than anything

And I never give you the credit you deserve

But let it be known, though we fight and argue like we hate each other every time I tell you that I’m telling my biggest lie

Because Sara

I can't live without you

My love for you reaches deeper than the ocean you exist in

And though it seems impossible to reach you I will dive in every chance I get with hope in my heart

And someday

I wish to pull you out

Young DFW Writers