One Day To Live

One day to live and one day to die

These are the things we cannot deny

Despite all our efforts and all of our strain

These two things can never be changed

Before you think that this is sad and depressed

I mean the total opposite of what you’d expect

Because even though these two points are set in stone

the choice for the points in between are all our own

While we cant change fate or whatever you call destiny

There is one thing i see with total clarity

The day we’re born and the day we die don't matter

Its how we choose to spend our hours

That are in between those points, its our life to live

All the little moments make up the picture that is big

It doesn't matter where, or why, or even how they happen

All that matters is the fact that it happens

Like a moth to the flame or towards a burning sun

Our destiny is one thing we can not outrun

There is no deviating or straying from the path

Because its what you choose, this is a fact

Nothing is preordained or set in stone

The choice Is spur of the moment, it’s all your own

Our destiny is what we make it, there is no denying

Either you do or you don't, there is no trying

To find your path you must open your eyes

To the truth of who you are deep down inside

One day to live and one day to die

I know what i want now its your turn to decide

Young DFW Writers