Legacy and Inheritance

My legacy ever grows 

While my inheritance becomes the stranger I walk by.

I ignore even though passing each other is routine after every failed attempt of trying to realize my dream. 

I go back to the shell.

A temporary state 

Overanalyzing to identify the wrong turn.

Amounting to an identity is a long road zig-zagged leading into a pit of fog. 

The fog grows with every footstep I take

Adding more confusion to my already full plate.

As cracks make out the edges, my hesitation towards blank pages becomes intertwined with chains that lock me to old expectations. 

The subtleness of my presence

The failure to embrace my essence 

transforms into something grand and ripe. 

To take up space, impress my footprint on a canvas. 

Painted by my interactions and desire to see and face the results of my actions.

The creation of my artwork is a beautiful thing. 

Although its completion date is still unknown 

The exhibition of its display will welcome every person who sees my potential to be great. 

A gallery that shines light on the triumphs and lessons learned.

Each portrait, darkened by the heaviness of my mistakes while the highlights 

Touch delicately, exposing the journey I made. 

To encapsulate the distorted figures only made clear with brushed gold flakes.

A gallery that glows, making it evident I conquered each challenge with a smile on my face.

The ties to my family mirror a stream 

Pouring out for me to absorb.

The droplets are cemented like my brain is the foundation my parents made. 

Each layer of plaster poured on thick

Carrying the weight of their pain along with mine. 

The aggression of their desire for success is sealed with

self-inflicted pressure that sinks my feet deep into the concrete.

Prompting me to realize how stone turns to quicksand. 

Pulling me into bad habits, 

Submerging my body into the comfort of reliance and greed. 

I push up. 

Finding my own air to breathe. 

I push up. 

Becoming appreciative of my own strength. 

I push up to grow into me.   

The foundation lifts me up to face the stranger I walk by. 

Our similarities are impossible to ignore. 

I take pride in what I'm given to create this meaningful existence. 

As I continue to etch on the canvas, 

Blending the past with the present,

My inheritance and legacy become one. 

A pigmented color, identical in their hue, a bold interpretation of immortality.

Patiently waiting for me to rightfully fill up my space, to complete a story made only with the steps I take. 

Young DFW Writers