How Do You See Me?

We all have a different perspective

Yours being too twisted

That it may never be untangled

In this lonely forsaken void

We both take up space

But still you see me so differently

You speak such filth of me

In return I speak nothing

I cry, I hurt, I mourn

You laugh, you thrive, you’re torn

On whether to use me or beat me down

The bruises you leave will never vanish

The undying pain it causes will forever be here

DIgging it’s way into my mind

Leaving an intolerable sensation

Words pierce hearts

Yet you bleed gold

But still question

The red dripping from my stitched lips

The line between a simple wave, or hey

Has become bloody paved

Scars have become too deep

Bodies have cluttered too closely

Nonetheless we still move forward

Beneath the cold wind

Our sweat will forever be visible

For we’ve worked too hard

But still you see me so differently

Young DFW Writers