
You will heal one day,

Only when you’re ready,

When you feel its the right time,

Not when somebody says you should,

Healing is a process,

And you will get through it,

Heal for you not for other people,

Whether its a heartbreak or anything else,

You will heal… I can promise you that.

Just know you will heal because at some point in time,

People thought they couldn’t heal by themselves either,

Their friends or family members would tell them,

You’re just doing it for attention.

But for you, gosh you know it was much more than that,

You wanted someone to listen to you,

To be there for you and wonder how you were doing,

You wanted someone to look into your eyes,

And tell you they know you aren’t doing any good,

You wanted them to hold you and tell you ¨im here I got you,¨

Someone can be there for you but at times you’re going to,

Have to do it yourself,

It may be hard people will always tell you just to heal,

But to you, that isn’t easy they just don’t know how you feel,

Healing on your own time is better than someone telling you to just heal,

Don’t do it when someone tells you because you won´t be as healed as you want to,

It will take time and it’s going to be hard at times you will want to give up,

But trust me don´t because healing isn’t going to be a fast recovery it takes time,

It won’t always be difficult either,

You will heal when the time is right,

When you know its the right time to tell yourself that you have finally healed,

Because it should not be rushed,

Nobody should rush how you heal because this is benefiting you,

To them, you will look weak but to you, you’re being strong and willing to go the extra mile,

You’re willing to get better for yourself because you don´t want to hurt anymore,

You want to enjoy life with friends.

Heal only for you and your family so life will be amazing for you,

Because people do take life for granted but others cherish it,

Cherish the life you have and get better to live the life you want to live,

It´s going to be a long journey and may not be as easy as you think it will be,

But doing it for you will be better than trying to do it for someone else,

Heal on your own time not when you think you should or when someone is telling you to just do it,

One day you will be okay,

You will be more than okay you will be great and could finally tell anyone you’re doing great, 

Heal and don’t stop.

Young DFW Writers