April 1st, 2009

April 1st, 2009

Red and blue lights

All my memories are blurry

How many moons

How many tears until you would come back?

You drive

Drive away from everything

That built me

Setting up and out

“You’re important

But money first”

I saw you once

Once with my mother

Who had abandoned me

And you

For what you did

I had hugged you

But you looked passed me

A single tree in a forest on the highway

And her alone

A skyscraper

Sticking oddly out the greenery 

A wrench

Wrench was thrown in our relationship

You ran off and married a


The perfect wedding

Without the perfect daughter

You drive

Drive from your responsibility

I have to beg for attention


Yet twenty minutes

Gets me $100

I saw how

How happy you were

With the woman who broke me down

Broke you down

And broke us apart

A woman made of plastic

And I stood made of metal

You chose her

You turned

Turned a blind eye to me

Driving away from the machine

The little robot made so mechanically to love

Love and ask for so little

A wrench

Wrench thrown at you for leaving

If I had seen you

I would have broken you

Broken you in by your brittle knees

For the deconstruction of me

And for driving away from me

The tyrant

Tyrant that is you that rules so cruelly

The yelling heard late into the night

And used too harshly as a weapon


I hope your trucks tip

And fall apart

That you lose money

And break apart

For driving away from me

Seven years

Of prison made us distant

A relationship you put so little into

Cheap cards

And a broken record of words

Twenty minutes

Gives me nothing but

Irritation and money

My mouth burns each time

I say “Love you too”

Seven years

Of cheap cards

Twenty minutes of the same words

Over and over again

An endless road of the same cycle

I lose my mind every time I go through the same thing

Twenty minutes

You spend once a month

Asking about grades

And me pretending I care about your business

And your rich life



Who sat on his throne

And commanded so harshly

And broke so many

As you do

Walking on your Versace tiles

And I hope you slip

As I wait for a happy birthday

That never comes

A tyrant

A hypocrite

And a liar

A sad man

And a sad father

The tar and broken joints of a robot

Who now breathes life

Running after a truck

That only goes faster and faster

The system has long decayed

Running on fumes and sadness

You think the robot doesn’t feel

Seven years

I waited for you

Where you called me perfect

And you said you loved me

Twenty minutes

I called you

Asking me why I wasn’t perfect

And asking if I loved you


I could break your legs in


You tear out my heart


I push over your world


You pull out my hair

“Love you too”

If I could break you inward

Like you let her break us

I hated the cake she baked me

Hated the dinner she cooked for me

Hated the plastic woman

You chose over a metal daughter

Seven years 

I won’t forget

Twenty minutes

I’ll never forgive

Young DFW Writers