My Fairytale

I want to be a princess.

6 words

18 letters

One of the first words I spoke when I learned to read fairytales.

Prince Charming, first kiss, a warm embrace, ride into the sunset. What’s better than that?

I want that heel popping, lip-smacking, fairy light type Fairytale.

The ride into the warm melted gold type sunset.

He’s every word hypersensitive to my senses

The unimaginably charming prince charming,

A smile so bright its harming.

Don’t blink twice because it will start to be alarming.

It was my Best Freind

In the 7th grade

After Track practice

The coach said everyone go home.

Every part of my body was screaming like some recessional hymn.

The pain was blinding but that part of my night would not be what was blinding.

It was him.

My Prince charming

He was my best friend. My brother, My keeper but little did I know deep down he was a creeper.

He told me to come here.

I didn’t know I was a lamb at the time and he was my lion

Until I asked him what he wanted and he pounced.

Who knew my fairytale setting would be dark, my prince charming ugly inside, but whatever because I wanted to be a princess.

He jumped, pounced, explored, roamed, my body was his adventure

Who knew my prince charming would be deaf because I thought I said STOP...

Ugly setting, Monster prince, Breath cutting embrace.

Journee are you sure this is how it is supposed to go?

He left me there broken, shattered, wisped into the wind,

My lovely Prince Charming.

The next day I told my most loyal subject, my best friend.

I told her of my agony-

I mean dreamy first and she asked me something that will forever be written in my storybook.

‘’Ew, Journee why didn’t you tell you him to stop. You must have liked it.’’

With that, my soul rode away not a unicorn but on a dark cloud into the oblivious.

Who knew the setting would be dark, my prince charming a menace, my first embrace death, my first kiss stolen, and my body is broken.

My fairytale…...over.

Young DFW Writers