Dear, Emelin

Three words, eight letters.

I step around them like broken glass,

As if when I say them,

My heart will be shattered,

And there'll be nobody to pick up the pieces.

It wasn't always this way, 

I wasn't always this careful.

But we were a rose,

And you plucked every petal off.

Endless lies,

"I'll never hurt you."

Constantly put down and compared to exes

"Piper never told me no."

For more than a month,

By someone with a bond that supposed to be stronger than any other,

Makes a person cautious.

She gave me a label in big red letters that said "FRAGILE, already a bit cracked."

I wasn't allowed to repair myself,

Because then it would really be over.

I always had a headache and an aching stomach whenever I thought about her,

But eventually it turned into something else,

Something I haven't felt since her,


And I called them you.

Your feelings are like the patterns on their wings,


You act like nothing effects you,

But I know you better.

I know you're sensitive,

Not as strong as you make yourself seem.

You're fragile,

Just a bit harder to crack than me.

You're broken and a mess.

You like to tease me,

And haven't told your parents about me.

You close yourself off whenever you're sad.

You don't like to make descions,

And complain when I don't make them either.

Yet, you're perfect.

There's no sound that compares to your laugh,

And there's endless laughing when I'm with you,

Your jokes get me everytime.

Nothing will light up a room like your smile.

Your hugs can change my mood in an instant.

Your voice is like honey and soothes me when nothing else can.

You make me a better person, 

And never stop teaching me to love myself.

There's no one that makes me happier than you.

Three words, eight letters.

I love you.

Young DFW Writers