Untitled Poem #15

My soul is a broken mirror. It is shattered pieces of myself that will never truly fit together.

The shards are what make me, not perfect or whole, but a sad kind of beautiful that leaves a bitter aftertaste.

My mind is a reflection of my soul, it is simply some pieces reflecting in an empty room that is my head, like the sun providing light to the moon.

The depth of the shards can rival any ocean, only being beaten by the abyss hidden in my heart.

My mentality is as fragile as it can be without collapsing at a single breath of air. It is constantly changing as if it were weather being controlled by an emotional Zeus.

It goes up and down so much even a roller coaster would be jealous of how fast everything is interchanging.

My body is a war zone that has been overworked for so long it cannot go without fighting.

My mirror keeps breaking with nothing to fix it and I am left trailing behind, trying to stop the glass from cutting the hands protecting them.

Young DFW Writers