Living My Way

Is this good enough

No its never enough

Is what i'm doing right

I'm doing nothing right


My favorite hobby

Sarcasm, the way of one cope

Music, the speaking of the soul

In my own mind

The thoughts and ideas

Yet mind is not the enemy

what they say

what they show

Change the mind

Who are you now

Not myself

Who is myself

Who are you

Without the thoughts

Without your mind

Without the voice

“Are you okay”

In silence I stay

Again i say

Yes, i am okay

No matter what i still say

But am i really awake

The more i want to say

I just want to be alone

But yet they chose to stay

“Whats wrong”

They say to me

“It will get better”

Dont lie to me

Why is this here

Why is this life

These thoughts

“you have a gifted mind”

But is it truly a gift

The ideas

The thoughts

The images

The dreams

But you wake up

And its still not enough

The cycle doesn’t end

Hard to breathe

Is there something wrong with me

Why is my heart racing

Why cant i breathe

Why cant i move

My mind took over

I cant move

Am i awake right now

I cant be

Must be some nightmare

There then i see

Five minutes have passed

I am awake

Living the bad dream

Young DFW Writers