A Difficult Task

Life is hard

It gets to points so low

How does someone fix something

Without revealing what they don’t want to show

She feels terrible

Was that my doing?

I feel even worse

I did what I did without knowing

Is it all my fault

If it is then I need to help

But she doesn’t want to talk to me

After all I have no idea how she felt

If I give her space

Then I can’t break anything more

It’d be better for me

To just leave out the door

I’d give my all

To go back to it being simple

I want to go back

To standing on top of the hill

Where I could see everything

And my eyes were rose tinted

I never noticed that all that happiness

Would come to a screeching skid

I don’t know what to do

She has zero clue as well

I can only continue moving on

And hope the story will be a fun one to tell

Young DFW Writers