
is there anything quite as beautiful as words?

loud words that come from small bodies,

kind words that come from tired souls

isn’t beautiful how words paint their own pictures

words that are spoken fleetingly in the halls,

quick messages that can’t wait until lunch

words that are yelled when the music is too loud,

half heard sentences punctuated with bass beats

the polite first words that relax bit by bit each conversation,

like strangers on their first date to lovers on their hundredth,

our words change as we do

words that are stuttered,

words that are whispered

words that are said once but linger long after

the habitual likes and ums and ohs

our nature to fill pauses,

the okays and thank yous and sorries

our constant need for pronouncement

words that vary from brooklyn to bronx

some better fit in brownstone

some better fit in brickhouse

the personalized cadence in which we speak,

cigarette rasps or silk sighs

it is never mistaken that

my words are mine and yours are yours

those words that sound like song

where you wish you could

put them on a record and let them play on repeat

i bet i’d have playlists of every joke, praise and promise

the ones said in slurs

pouring out of drunken lips like liquor

brazen confessions followed by sober sorries

who knows which is the truth

and oh those words,

the ones that are shaped differently on the tongue of my ita ma, or mahi, or courha

whose english are dipped in the tea of their home land,

their vowels sweet and stained

yes there are words that are written so dark on the page

no amount of erasing can make them go away

but what would we do without these words

that fill the gaps our bodies can’t

i like to think my life is a lexicon made up of these words

that somewhere between my first and last

there are nouns of all the people, places, and things

i’ve encountered

the adjectives i have for them, verbs i did with them

i guess this is all to say that if later

i’m asked for the definition of what my life was

i’ll have quite the dictionary in the palm of my hands

Young DFW Writers