Prisoner Of My Mind

So many thoughts trapped inside my mind

So many thoughts drowning my time

Too many thoughts wasting my life

Late nights swimming in deep thoughts flooding my brain

I feel the anxiety creeping in

Can never let the doubt put out this eternal flame

I’ve been swimming in the deepest end

My mood swings like the sun through the night and day

I can’t let the reaper in

Dreaming of days sitting at the top

Picturing days when the work pays off

I know I can’t be like everyone else, I have to hustle and grind

The heights I’m climbing to, no one else can climb

Yet doubts void my brain

I wonder if my childhood dreams will only remain childhood dreams

If these aspirations will only remain what could have been

I have given so much to a game that can give so much

The game of basketball is never harsh, it’s just tough love

The path to greatness is only traveled by few

So here I go

Young DFW Writers