Red, White, and Blue

"Red, white and blue

Colors of freedom

Symbol of liberation


Killings in the street

Killings in your home

Dull red, white and blue,

in your neighborhood


People silenced left and right

Kneeling on your chest

""I can't breathe"" you cry

Red, white and blue does not hear


Parents say ""give them what they want""

Follow the rules and you won't get hurt

Yet red, white and blue see my skin


Your eyes plead for mercy

While your brain races through your skull

But red, white and blue don't care your alibi


They beat you up

Until you can't hear their demands

You plead your innocent case

Red white and blue presumes your guilt


The sirens on the highway

Their belt filled with weapons

You pray they're not in a bad mood


Red, white and blue

Sounds of gunfire, running down the road

Color of teargas, rising in the street

They're in your neighborhood "

Young DFW Writers